PT Mitra Karya Sarana

Specializing in Steel Fabrication, Machining, Marine Contractor, Engineering, and General Construction in Batam


Leading the Way in Steel and Marine Engineering

Let’s build a better world together

PT Mitra Karya Sarana ( PT MKS ) is a leading pioneer in the Steel Fabrication, Marine Contractor & Engineering industry in Batam, Indonesia. Established in 2006, we have set high standards in delivering high-quality engineering solutions for various industrial needs.

By integrating the latest technology and best industry practices, PT Mitra Karya Sarana is committed to providing innovative and cost-effective solutions. Client satisfaction is our top priority, and we take pride in having a strong track record of building long-term relationships with our clients and business partners.

Latest projects
Flange Face Machining
Fabricate Chemical Injection Pump
Rudder Stocks and Fitting

Our services

What we offer

General Fabrication

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Marine Contractor

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A leading player in the industry

With years of experience, we are industry leaders with a deep understanding of steel fabrication, marine contracting, and engineering principles.

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Why Choose us?

With our proven track record of delivering projects on time, within budget, and to the highest quality standards, you can trust us to be your reliable and efficient partner in achieving your project goals.

Commitment to Quality

Quality is at the forefront of everything we do. We adhere to strict quality control measures to ensure the highest standards of workmanship and durability.

Reliability and Timeliness

Our proven track record speaks for itself. We are committed to delivering projects on time and within budget, without compromising on quality.

Client-Centric Approach

We prioritize client satisfaction and strive to exceed expectations by maintaining open communication, providing transparent pricing, and offering exceptional customer service.

Safety First

Safety is paramount in our operations. We adhere to strict safety protocols and industry regulations to ensure the well-being of our employees and clients alike.

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Features projects

Our latest projects

Bore Protector, Adapter Tree Top Body & Blind Flange

PT Mitra Karya Sarana is committed to providing high-quality Bore Protectors, Adapter Tree Top Bodies, and Blind Flanges, crucial for the oil and gas sector.
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Fabrication of Wellhead Control Panel SSDV 77 & 78​

The successful fabrication and deployment of the Wellhead Control Panel SSDV 77 & 78 by PT Mitra Karya Sarana highlights our expertise in delivering high-quality, customized solutions for the oil and gas industry.
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Machining Flat Surface (Pumpcover)

PT Mitra Karya Sarana (MKS) is dedicated to delivering top-notch machining for flat surfaces on pump covers, ensuring your pumps operate smoothly and efficiently.
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Our latest Blog & News

Alat Ukur Mekanik

Alat Ukur Mekanik

Temukan alat ukur mekanik yang wajib dimiliki untuk meningkatkan akurasi dan efisiensi dalam pekerjaan. Pelajari lebih lanjut di sini.
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Jenis Profil Baja

Jenis Profil Baja

Temukan beragam jenis profil baja yang penting dalam konstruksi modern untuk kekuatan dan efisiensi proyek Anda.
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Fabrikasi Baja

Fabrikasi Baja

Fabrikasi baja merupakan tulang punggung dalam industri konstruksi modern, menawarkan solusi yang kuat dan fleksibel …
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Sales requests


Executive Industrial Park Blok D1 No.2, Batam Centre - Indonesia





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PT Mitra Karya Sarana ( PT MKS ) is a leader in steel fabrication, marine contracting, and engineering. Our company is based in Batam, Riau Islands, Indonesia. We have modern production facilities and skilled teams. We provide superior construction and engineering solutions.


Executive Industrial Park Block D1 No. 2, Center, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau 29414

Our Hours

MON-FRI 08:00 – 16:30
SAT 08:00 – 15:00